Workplace Learning

Objectives of the Workplace Learning Program
- To enhance social and vocational skills and training.
- To lay the foundation for School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship opportunities.
- To ease the transition from College to work.
- To assist students in making and evaluating future career choices.
- To meet the mandatory requirements of vocational courses.
Evaluation of Workplace Learning
At the conclusion of each workplacement the employer is encouraged to complete a comprehensive appraisal form. This appraisal can be a valuable addition to students’ resumes. Students frequently secure part-time and full-time employment as a result of successful workplacements. At the end of the year students receive a ‘Record of Competency Certificate’ which details their Workplace Learning hours for each subject.
Students are placed in Industry Based Learning Groups (IBL) which reflects their identified area of interest. The IBL teacher acts as the first point of contact for Workplace Learning and School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Once students have been allocated an employer and have received their contract they are to approach employers for an interview to discuss their placement, and to complete their contract. This contract must be returned, signed, to the College prior to commencing the placement.
IBL teachers visit students at their place of work, as part of the student monitoring process. Students absent from workplacement are required to notify both their employer and the College and provide written justification of their absence.
Conditions of Workplacement
The College is required to observe the following conditions with regard to workplacement for students:
- As the student is a volunteer worker, payment is not expected.
- As a voluntary worker he/she has no liability under the Worker’s Compensation Act.
- No student shall be employed on any dangerous machinery or equipment.
- All safety, health and welfare legislation shall apply to any work site and to any student engaged in a work experience project, either as a paid worker or as a voluntary worker.
- Students are not permitted to drive vehicles whilst on workplacement.
- All students are covered by CCI Work Experience Insurance and Marsh/St Paul Broadform Liability Insurance Policy
- Workplace Learning is one of the most important aspects of the College. Students who do not attend workplacement or behave inappropriately will be considered in breach of their enrolment. Depending on the circumstances, students will be required to make up lost Workplace Learning hours during holidays and/or attend detention. In serious circumstances suspension will result and the student’s enrolment at the College will be reviewed.
- Although many procedures and support mechanisms are in place to assist students in the organisation of their Workplacement, it is important to emphasise that ultimate responsibility for Workplacement rests with the student.