DESIGN that’s smart!
Our uniform has been created in consultation with local trade and service industries. It incorporates Workplace Health and Safety requirements as well as a professional dress for the business or trade workplace.
All of the uniform items (including trade) are available through:
St Agnes’ Uniform Store
Next door to St Agnes’ Primary School
Boronia Street, Port Macquarie
Phone: 02 6584 1076 Web: www.saus.org.au

General College Uniform
- Knee length black skirt, black pants, black knee length shorts bearing NSTC initials on the waistband.
- Black College polo shirt or white blouse
- College jacket
- College hat or cap
- Covered black polishable shoes
- White or black socks
Early Childhood, Education & Care and Human Services Uniform
The following items are recommended for the above subjects:
- Black College polo shirt or white blouse
- Black College pants or black College knee length shorts (bearing NSTC initials on the waist band)
- Covered black polishable shoes
- White or black socks
- NB: Female students are not permitted to wear the College business skirt while undertaking practical exercises in the Human Services course.
The Early Childhood, Education & Care classes at Newman are mostly theory-based however this recommended uniform can also be worn whilst on workplacement.
Metal & Engineering, Plumbing & Automotive
The following items are essential for the above students
- College trade shirt – navy cotton drill short-sleeved, or long-sleeved
- Navy long or short drill work pants
- Black work boots – steel-capped preferred
A Safety Pack is essential for all trade students, including safety glasses, hearing protection and dust mask. Cost is approximately $20. This is available from the College or local suppliers.
The following items are essential for the above subjects:
- Chef check pants
- Black full length apron
- Black shirt
- Black chef’s hat
- Covered black polishable shoes
- NB: All students choosing hospitality – Commercial Cookery or Food & Beverage are required to undertake Kitchen Operations and therefore required to wear the above listed uniform commencing Year 11.
Construction, Electrotechnology and Furniture Making
The following items are essential for the above students:
- College yellow & navy high-visibility long-sleeve trade shirt (limited short sleeve shirts are available but not recommended if you intend to wear in industry where outdoor work is common)
- Navy long or short drill work pants
Black work boots – steel-capped preferred
A Safety Pack is essential for all trade students, including safety glasses, hearing protection and dust mask. Cost is approximately $20. This is available from the College or local suppliers.
Dress for Out of Uniform Days
Parents and students are reminded that all clothing worn on these days must be appropriate.
If a student arrives at school on one of these days in clothing deemed to be inappropriate, parents may be contacted and asked to collect the students in order to rectify the matter. It is inappropriate for brief and revealing clothing to be worn to school. This includes low-cut, strapless, backless or midriff tops, miniskirts and brief shorts. Students are also asked to consider the appropriateness of all writing and graphics on T-shirts. Due to Workplace Health & Safety regulations, thongs and other similar footwear may not be worn. All students must wear either joggers or some other kind of enclosed footwear