Learning & Wellbeing
We’re Unique
Our curriculum is as dynamic and engaging as it is broad and varied. The College is constantly evolving its Curriculum to meet both National and Local employment needs and opportunities.
Newman College, it’s a different class

The Food Project is our newest venture. In addition to it’s foundation arm which serves as a platform for real life hospitality training for students at Newman College, The Food Project also operates as a Social Enterprise Cafe focused on raising funds to support a cause nominated by students each year.

Port Macquarie Marine Discovery Centre has fully equipped, specialist learning spaces designed to maximise the delivery of marine programs. Facilities in the Centre include a marine laboratory, an aquarium display room, a commercial fish hatchery / grow-out facility and a dedicated marine engineering workshop.
Pathways & Careers
Our Pathways & Careers Team are dedicated professionals committed to assisting every student reach their goals through and extensive Workplace Learning Program and the provision of School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship opportunities. We are located in a space known as The Future Hub. This is where you can learn all about job opportunities, university and ask for assistance moving you into the future.
We are unique because we put the VET student first.
In our context VET is not an ‘add-on’ to an existing operation.
It is central to what we do.
School-based Apprenctieships & Traineeships (SbAT’s)
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SbAT’s) allow Year 11 and 12 students to work with an employer as paid employees while studying for their Higher School Certificate.
The Benefits
- Receiving both an education and a job
- Learning the latest knowledge and skills
- Getting paid while you learn
- Working towards achieving a nationally recognised qualification
- Acquiring hands-on experience in a real job
- Gaining the skills and experience to help you go on to tertiary study
- Experiencing a great way to move from school to work
- Gaining a sense of achievement
On average a Newman Student spends
Each year learning in the workplace
Workplace Learning
As a condition of enrolment, all students must participate fully in the Workplace Learning Program. This involves working on a one-day-per-week basis throughout the year, and for block periods, which may include part of the school holidays. Non attendance at Workplace Learning or workplace misdemeanours will be treated very seriously.
Objectives of the Workplace Learning Program
- To enhance social and vocational skills and training.
- To lay the foundation for School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship opportunities.
- To ease the transition from College to work.
- To assist students in making and evaluating future career choices.
- To meet the mandatory requirements of vocational courses.
Pastoral Care
Among the most important roles of our College is to care pastorally for the students in the school. The role of Pastoral Care is to provide the students with the support that allows them to develop to their full potential, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically. The following points outline the structure of Pastoral Care.
Newman College offers the services of confidential counselling support to College students and their families. The primary focus of our counsellor is to be available to talk with students about any aspect of their lives. Some of these areas can include:
- Emotional concerns – anger, anxiety, depression, loss and grief
- Relationship concerns – making and keeping friends, relationships, social isolation, peer relationships
- Family concerns – communication, trust, family break-down, conflict with the family, unhappiness at home, sibling rivalry
- School concerns – school performance and progress, motivation, adjusting to a new school, leaving school, transition times e.g. from Year 10 into Year 11
- Behavioural concerns – at school, home and in the community, bullying
- Adolescent concerns – physical changes at puberty, sexual and peer pressure

Would you like more information?
Our College counsellor is located upstairs in the Pathways and Careers Office.
Download the Brochure below for more information and details on how to book an appointment.