The Future Hub

Welcome to the Future Hub
The Pathways & Careers Team are determined to provide students, families, employers and staff with innovative, relevant and professional services that help to deliver positive outcomes for all.
These services include:
– Coordinate and facilitate the Workplace Learning Program
– School-based Apprenticeship/Traineeship connection, support and advice
– Career guidance including assistance with resumes, job applications and interviews
– University application advice and support.
Our door is always open, so please feel free to pop in and have a chat about your future.
Workplace Learning

Students gain practical experience and learn more about career choices.
At Newman we are committed to preparing students for the future world of life and work. We use workplace learning (also know as workplacement) as a powerful learning and teaching strategy to help students become future professionals and enhance their employability skills.
Students find that the time spent in the workplace increases their motivation to learn and enhances their self-confidence.
School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SBAT’s)

Kick start your career and get paid to learn, sounds like a good option!
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SbAT’s) allow Year 11 and 12 students to work with an employer as paid employees while studying for their Higher School Certificate.
Where can you find a job?
The Future Hub is proud to have launched the Newman College Job’s Board, where you can find all of the latest School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships, Casual, Part-time and Full-time positions available. Many of these are exclusive to Newman Students and Alumni, so it is well worth checking out!
The Future Hub FAQ’s
What is the Workplace Learning Program?
Our Workplace Learning Program is an integral part of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system where students gain valuable workplace experience to apply the knowledge they are gaining in the classroom.
What days would a student be attending Workplacement?
Students work in industry, with an employer, as a work experience student, one day a week and one block week within the placement period.
Do I have to organise my own placement?
No. The team at The Future Hub in conjunction with a third party provider will source and organise workplacements. We are however, always happy to add new employers to our database from student contacts.
Is workplacement compulsory?
Yes. It is a condition of enrolment at the College that all students participate in the Workplace Learning Program.
Do I have to do a placement for each subject?
For VET courses the answer is mostly yes, but there some exceptions. We can walk you through this once you’ve chosen your pattern of study. (You don’t do workplacement for English, Maths, Printmaking, SLR, Marine or Computing Applications)
Do I get paid for workplacement?
No. Students do not get paid to attend workplacement. However, many students have the opportunity to find casual work through this program.
Are the hours the same as school hours?
Not necessarily. The hours are set by the employer and are reflective of industry. For example, start times for Construction are usually 7am.
How do I apply for a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
You will indicate your interest on your enrolment form. From there Julie Davis-Chaplin will make contact with you and invite you and your parents in for a short informal interview to explain the process and discuss your options one on one. This usually happens around October.
Can I find my own School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
Absolutely! This is encouraged and these types of arrangements often have great success when the student has shown the initiative to approach the employer.
Do I get paid for my School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
Yes. Once you have completed workplacement (which is unpaid) with the employer and they have indicated they would like to start you as an employee, you begin to get paid either traineeship rates, or first year apprenticeship rates.
How hard is it to get a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
This answer depends on your chosen industry, location and willingness to travel for the right job. Julie will discuss this with you further in October if you choose to take up an interview with her.
Do I have to apply for a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship straight away?
No, not necessarily. It is up to you whether this is a pathway you want to pursue. Some students prefer just to complete workplacement so they can get a range of experiences where other students are keen to kick start their careers immediately. Some students only decide half way through Year 11 what they want to do and won’t apply for a position until then. Each student and their experience is unique but we are here to help guide you through the process.