
Looking to hire staff? Consider a Newman student

Newman College is a purpose-built school that offers a unique curriculum which allows for a focus on both traditional school based learning and “on the job” training through it’s Workplace Learning & School-based Apprenticeship Program.

Students study in areas such as English and Maths whilst being provided training in a range of career fields including but not limited to, Automotive, Business Services, Computing Applications, Construction, Early Childhood Edcuation & Care, Electrotechnology, Furniture Making, Human Services, Hospitality, Information Technology, Retail, Manufacturing & Engineering, Marine Studies and Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation.

Host a Workplacement Student

Workplacement provides students studying a Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses towards their Higher School Certificate (HSC) with a valuable opportunity to develop vocational skills, knowledge and attitudes in the context of real work environments. These courses lead to nationally recognised VET qualifications, so it is important for students to have opportunities to apply their classroom learning in real work contexts. For this reason, work placement is a mandatory component of these courses.

Host workplacement employers assist Newman College to prepare young people for the workplace by providing meaningful workplace learning opportunities.

Click here to Learn more about Workplacement

Host employers have the opportunity:

  • to be involved in the education and training of young people
  • to meet and train potential employees and contribute to the development of a committed and skilled workforce
  • to enhance the professional development of their own employees as they gain experience as workplace supervisors
  • to meet students from diverse backgrounds who may have skills which can be useful to the organisation
  • to promote goodwill in the community through closer links with schools.

Students have the opportunity:

  • to experience real work situations
  • to access industry standard facilities, equipment and experienced staff
  • to develop self-confidence, skills and understandings that will assist them in their transition to meaningful work
  • to evaluate their abilities and interests in relation to career choices.

How long are the programs?

This varies. Students usually spend one day per week with an employer for an entire school term along with an additional 5 day block.

Are students paid?

No. Students are voluntary workers and should not be paid.

There is an exception: where a student uses their current part-time employment to fulfil a mandatory HSC VET work placement requirement. This arrangement must be negotiated with the employer and approved by Newman . In this case, the student is not a voluntary worker and the insurance arrangements of the employer apply to the student.

Also, If you would like employ the student, you may wish to consider a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship.

Who do I contact if there is a problem?

If you have any concerns or difficulties during the placement regarding the student or other matters, please contact College on (02) 6580 3800 and ask for the students nominated Industry Based Learning Teacher as soon as possible so that solutions can be found quickly.

What are my responsibilities regarding student supervision?

Employers are expected to act in accordance with workplace responsibilities as set out for all employees and members of the public. This includes responsibilities that flow from legislation such as Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Child Protection, Privacy, Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Legislation.

Are there any special industrial conditions?

Yes, here are just some:

  • No student is to be directed to work on any dangerous machine.
  • Students must not be used in place of regular employees.

Thank you for your interest in providing workplace learning opportunities for Newman students. Your contribution to the vocational development of young people is valued and appreciated. If you have further questions, or wish to host a Workplacement student please click here to register your interest or contact the Newman Pathways & Careers Team on (02) 6580 3800 or newman@lism.catholic.edu.au

School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SbAT’s)

School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeships (SbAT’s) allows Year 11 and 12 students to work for a business as paid employees and undertake training to gain a national qualification.

SbAT’s offer lots of great benefits for potential employers. They offer value for money and can be an effective way to attract and recruit future staff. 

    Click here to Learn more about SBAT's

    How does it work?

    Students undertake academic subjects such as English and Maths to complete their HSC whilst also studying vocational subjects (VET) such as Hospitality for a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship in the Hospitality Industry. Work and training components of the Apprenticeship or Traineeship are treated like school subjects in their overall timetable, making it easier to manage work and school commitments.

    Unlike a traditional model, this means you pay for a School-Based Apprentice or trainee only for the time they spend ‘on the job’. Students can undertake a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship:

    • One day per week while school is attended on the remaining days;
    • For a block week during a school term;
    • On weekends, school holidays or after school.

    Employing an SBAT can benefit your business through:

    • WORK PLACEMENT – You find your future apprentice through Newman’s Workplacement Program to see if the student suits your business (at no cost).
    • DEVELOP LOYAL & MOTIVATED STAFF – By giving a young person a start on their career you will develop loyal & motivated staff.
    • SAVE MONEY – You can save money in recruitment and training of future employees.

    There are government incentives that help!

    The government encourages employers to open up genuine apprenticeship and Traineeship opportunities through the provision of financial incentives and other benefits.

    For more information on School-based Apprenticeships download our flyer Newman_SBA_Flyer.pdf (1.1mb)

    For more information on School-based Traineeships download our flyer Newman_SBT_Flyer.pdf (1.4mb)

    The program saves money, offers financial incentives from the Australian Government, trains employees in a proper manner, develops loyal and motivated staff, and provides a ready-made apprentice or trainee and valuable worker.

    What Newman will do

    A member of our team will monitor the School-based Apprentice or Trainee progress and is available to offer any assistance as required.


    If your business is interested in a keen, young, technology proficient apprentice or trainee, or wish to host a workplacement student please click here to register your interest or contact the Newman Career Development Team on (02) 6580 3800 or nstc-careers@lism.catholic.edu.au

    More Information

    After more information?  Visit the School-based Apprentices & Trainee in NSW Webpage.