HSC Tips for Year 10 Students:
- Now is the time to be thinking about what you’ll be working towards in your last years of schooling
- Explore your options
- Be involved in decisions made
- Move towards what you feel and know is right
- Remember there are various paths for developing your career and employment potential
- National Qualifications can lead to apprenticeships, traineeships, university entry and employment, but most importantly build confidence and skills for life
- Don’t be afraid to be different
HSC Tips for parents of current Year 10 Students:
- Be involved in their decision about their future
- Explore the options available
- Let them move towards what you both feel is right
- Consider what will build confidence and develop self worth
- Be supportive of their considered choice
- Remember we all have a part to play in our world, be it a doctor, nurse, mechanic, chef, office worker or educator etc. All are worthwhile and reap reward when done with passion and confidence.
Explore your HSC options by attending our Year 11 Enrolment Information Night