School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SbAT’s)

School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SbAT’s)
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SbAT’s) allow Year 11 and 12 students to work with an employer as paid employees while studying for their Higher School Certificate.
The Benefits
- Receiving both an education and a job
- Learning the latest knowledge and skills
- Getting paid while you learn
- Working towards achieving a nationally recognised qualification
- Acquiring hands-on experience in a real job
- Gaining the skills and experience to help you go on to tertiary study
- Experiencing a great way to move from school to work
- Gaining a sense of achievement
How does it work?
Students undertake academic subjects such as English and Maths to complete their HSC whilst also studying vocational subjects (VET) such as Hospitality for a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship in the Hospitality Industry. Work and training components of the Apprenticeship or Traineeship are treated like school subjects in their overall timetable, making it easier to manage work and school commitments.
Students undertake paid employment with a business for:
- One day per week
- Weekly blocks
- On weekends, school holidays or after school
- You are paid as a School-based Apprentice or Trainee only for the time you spend working.
What’s the difference between a School-based Apprentice and a School-based Trainee?
There are two main differences between a School-based Apprentice and a School-based Trainee. A School-based Apprentice is trained in a skilled trade and upon successful completion of the entire apprenticeship will become a qualified tradesperson with a Certificate III qualification.
School-based Apprenticeships include, but are not limited to:
- Automotive Mechanic
- Chef
- Carpenter
- Fabrication or Mechanical Engineer
- Furniture Maker
- Electrician
School-based Apprenticeships can take up to five years to complete and require approximately 100 -180 days of work throughout the Training Contract whilst attending school.
Students have the potential, when they have finished Year 12 to achieve a national qualification in their chosen industry, crediting them with the equivalent to the first year of a full apprenticeship. They will be ahead of other school leavers and can use the knowledge and skills gained to continue on to complete their apprenticeship over the next three years (post HSC).
The School-based Apprenticeship is a fully accredited Australian Quality Framework (AQF) Certificate III Apprenticeship linked to an industrial award or agreement and signed by an employer.
A School-based Trainee is someone who is being trained in a vocational area.
School-based Traineeships include, but are not limited to:
- Business Administration
- Hospitality (Food & Beverage or Kitchen Operations)
- Information Technology
- Retail Assistant
- Aged Care
Trainees are required to complete a minimum of 100 days of work throughout the Training Contract. These hours must be completed by the end of Year 12. At the completion of Year 12, the School-based Trainee has the potential to receive a minimum of a Certificate II in their chosen Industry and their HSC.
In addition, the trainee acquires a greater awareness and insight into industry and employment requirements, a higher level of work readiness and a better understanding of the opportunities available. This experience will prove invaluable in their later working life.
The School-based Traineeship is also a fully accredited Australian Quality Framework (AQF) Certificate II or III Traineeship linked to an industrial award or agreement and signed by an employer.
How to find a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship?
To find a School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship students must first speak to Julie Davis-Chaplin in the The Future Hub to discuss options and complete and Expression of Interest form. Students in collaboration with the College must then find an employer and have the support of their parent or guardian. The student and their parent or guardian need to sign a training contract with the employer.
There are numerous ways students can work towards finding and gaining an Apprenticeship or Traineeship:
- Nominate your preferred industry when enrolling at the College
- Speak with the Newman Pathways & Careers Team in The Future Hub regularly
- Impress employers at workplacement
- Perform well in class
- Existing part-time work can be converted to an Apprenticeship/Traineeship
- Speak to parents and teachers
- Respond to advertisements in the paper, on the school notice boards or on the Newman Job Board